Monday, 24 October 2011

Mini Veggie Kebab.

That's midget Senel [left just to let you know, she's actually wearing heels and I'm leaning down - she's nowhere near my height xD] - I met her 3yrs ago and we became close friends. 
The first time I met her... I thought she was abit crazy because she gets happy & excited too easily. [Lol] But I guess that was a good thing, because she kept asking me questions & even got annoyed because my answers were always either ''I don't know or I don't mind''. I  am a very shy person, I don't have any self-confidence to speak up. But because this girl never stops talking, somehow gave me little bit confident in myself to talk to her [I had some problems at the time and I couldn't talk to anyone, so I decided to ask advice from her, and I don't know why I had a feeling that I can trust her] & from then I started to get more comfortable talking to her.
She has done alot for me that none of my previous friends ever did, & I admit I do rely on her which I probably shouldn't. I do feel guilty sometimes.
I'm not as bright as her, I don't think ppl will talk to me or even notice me if she wasn't around. She can always manage to make new friends, being able to talk to strangers and keep ppl smiling all the time. So I'm always thankful that she brought me into a group of friends, otherwise my life would be so dull right now.
I'm just glad to have her in my life & I hope she stays forever! 

d(* ̄∇ ̄)=====b 

Monday, 17 October 2011

Its what I do. . .

Yehh... just felt like doing some drawing ~

Oo。。( ̄_ ̄*)

Thursday, 13 October 2011


Recently I've been thinking of going away from UK... 
Why? Mmhhh, I think it's because I really need to do some real thinking about what am I doing with my life like my mum always moan at me for not having a goal for my life, that she's really disappointed in me because I failed getting into uni~ (_ _|||) I understand how she feels, she put alot of effort into me and my sister because she want us to study hard, get a good job and to have a better life. I do regret for not trying hard enough in College. Now I'm not only feeling really behind & left out from everyone else, having to hear how everyone is doing in uni; their stresses about coursework/exams/lectures etc; while they're meeting new friends hanging out with them, I do get to meet them and hang out too but most their conversations are uni related stuff where I'm just an audience aside. _`。) I have a shitty job where I'm not getting treated fairly because I don't have good enough qualification to get a better job. 
Anyway, I wanted to be out of UK because I feel kinda bleuughh being here. Everything depress me, having to do the same routine everyday makes me feel life is empty, meaningless. Having nothing to look forward to apart from seeing my friends where I feel ease... I guess you could say I want to run away from reality. ´-・。)
Gah, just want to go on a journey for a while - stay out from everything and just sort myself out I guess. 

_ _;



Senel is the best.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

21st Suprise Bday.

So it was my 21st 2weeks ago, and I mentioned that I wanted to do something but didn't have time to organise it so decided to go out with a friend to celebrate.

It turned out to be a little suprise party~~ 
On that day, a friend called to say happy bday and asked what I was doing for it and I told him. Then he said ''something good will happen don't worry.'' I was confused & curious. So I met up with Sen, as soon as we got out the stn she kept checking her phone every 5secs which kinda annoyed me alittle because I really don't like ppl going on their phones whilst out with me - its very rude I think. [I had a thought about if she did another suprise for me but doubted it because I didn't think she would've had the time to sort it out] Anyway, we were walking towards to steak house in Piccadilly & we stopped at this Restaurant that does karaoke, she was looking at the dim sum menu but I pointed out they stop serving @ 5 and started to walk away. But she stood there, and all of the sudden she opened the door and walked in.. I was kinda confused like huh..? This waiter came up to her said ''upstairs room D2.'' We were walking upstairs - I was still confused and tryna tell her they don't do dim sum anymore. We got upstairs, she knocked on the door, a random girl opened the door and I saw James in the dark and knew it was a suprise. (<__< ') 

At the time, my face expression was a blank because I was thinking in my head ''ahh man, no steak. On the other hand I was little shocked'' I didn't know what to say or what to do... but I was happy that night, really enjoyed it. 

Thanks everyone for making the effort to come!! 
Thank you to the ppl to organised it 

Friday, 7 October 2011


I work in Wasabi - Moorgate for about 2 months now. 
The first few days I wasn't quite sure how things work, so I kept getting screwed at. The staff gave me a lot of work to do, [newbies always get treat badly] I didn't mind it because I really need the job; I was actually happy to do it. 
Few weeks later when I'm used to everything, know how things work and the prices. I was told to be the supporter, I liked my role I thought it was an easy role until Sooyeon told me that supporter is a hardest role there and its really tiring. I was thinking ''hmm... maybe my manager want to train me so I could become a team leader or something.'' Because after, I was off to do till work. I work at the second till which I was told its the hardest till there because I gotta take sushi customers and hot food customers at the same time. I got told off so many times that I was too slow...
Anyway, so I work from 11am - 3pm. Every morning I gotta mop the floor, clean the glasses, getting the pots and bento boxes prepared/displayed whatever you call it by 11.30am. But inbetween that time, I still have to serve customers when the other 2 guys who takes their bloody time chatting and putting the sushi on display. Like the other day, 2 mins after I came into work not readyat all - this guy call Daniel already rushing me to serve the customer because him and the other guy has to display the sushi. So I rushed out seeing them having a laugh and waited for me to deal with the customer. (<__<)
At 11.30am, them two and the other guy ALL went on a break together when you weren't suppose to and left me and some other guy who only does cleaning and preparing jobs at a time where it starts getting busy [most ppl don't start till 12]. I can't say anything because Daniel is the team leader which I find really unfair. Even the other Team leader Daeyong makes me do all the cleaning, so she and her friend can go have a chat. I never realised how unfair they treat staff here. The manager never says anything because she's korean, and the guy is polish which is where my manager is from. Even a girl called sililuck said she does more work than them, its too much for one person to do 3ppls job. Thats why she's quitting. Its her last day tomorrow. Sigh. I just hope I could find another job soon thats closer to home or at least get paid more cause travel costs alootttttt. Fml. Reality is extremely cruel.